From the recording Family Portraits (Volume 1)

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A brass-driven lamentation of a caricature (a fictionalised amalgam of various behaviours including entitlement and avarice) defined utterly by the pursuit and acquisition of material gain.



Oh dear
Here we go again
For another spin
The Princess-on-the-Pea

My dear
Round and round the same old tropes again
At midday, awake
To coffee
Lunch out with the girls
Don’t you worry about any money
It takes care of itself

Oh, the princess-on-the-pea
Can not sleep, she’s so aggrieved
By all the luxury
She feels she needs to
Just be happy

And maybe in the shops
Burning through the cash
You can cultivate some self-awareness
And calculate the cost on us

Oh life!
It can be oh so hard and cruel
Poor thing
Suffers for your craft
In Le Cordon Bleu
Cooking school

Why should I
When I have better things to do?
Got her fella
And she fit the shoe

Oh, the princess-on-the-pea
Can not sleep, she’s so aggrieved
By all the luxury
She feels she needs to
Just be happy

Oh, the princess-on-the-pea
Can not sleep, she’s so aggrieved
By all the useless beauty
She surround herself with
To just be me, me, me

Why can’t you just be happy?
With what you’ve got already?