From the recording Family Portraits (Volume 2)

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A guitar and piano driven love song to two of my Dutch cousins -- Johanna and Monique. Truly, two of my all time favourite people.


Favourite People

Walking the streets of old Amsterdam
We’re in the crowd, yeah,
Cheering on

On the canal, oh so bright and gay, sail
Floats in the pride parade

On Rembrandt Plein
Monique and
I put the world to rights
There’s lots of family goss-(ip) to Catch up on
And make (gentle) fun of

Two of my favourite people
Are Monique and Johanna
We like
To sit and chat and sip gin-and-tonic
As we watch the world go by

On a café terrace in old IJsselstein
I have never been there, so this is all in my mind
Vermeer’s muse and I discourse
The Girl with the pearl earring

In the Frisian isles
Johanna and I
Put the world to rights
Gently skirt round family dirt
Flirt and joke
Laugh at the menfolk
Two of my favourite people
Are Monique, Johanna
And I
We like
To sit and chat and sip gin-and-tonic
As we watch the world go by

Even if we weren’t related
We’d still be best of friends
Funny how you click with people
Time together, time well spent

Two of my favourite people
Are Monique and Johanna
And I
We like
To sit and chat and sip gin-and-tonic
As we watch the world go by

Two of my favourite people
Are Monique and Johanna
And I
We like
To sit and chat and sip gin-and-tonic
As we watch the world go by