From the recording Family Portraits (Volume 2)

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A ballad lamenting a universal theme amongst divorced parents: when one parent attempts to "weaponise" the children by recruiting them to their side.


The One Thing (You Said You Would Never Do)

A boy, in shorts
A baby girl, just born
A family torn
In two

A tiny tragedy between me and you
We came to an end
Didn’t have to
Escalate into

The one thing you said you would never do
Recruit our kids into our dispute

A single Dad with only weekend access
Tries his best against all this propaganda

Your own Mum and Dad
Made you feel so bad
Making you choose between them
Why repeat it?

The one thing you said you would never do
Recruit our kids into our dispute

Weaponised the children
Gave permission
To ignore me
Said I was the bank
And they could withdraw from me

The one thing you said you would never do
The one thing you said
Why did you?