  1. Neurotypical

From the recording Family Portraits (Volume 3)

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A song about being on the Autistic spectrum. People with autism or Asperger's Syndrome refer to non-spectrum folk as "Neurotypical".

People with autism are often charactarised by highly ritualised, even compulsive, behaviour, social awkwardness and very specific obsessions: modes of transport ("...I like cars and planes and trains...") frequently feature.

The song is sung from the perspective with someone with autism, observing the neurotypical world.

One of my very close relatives is on the Autistism spectrum. On May 4 2020, he did indeed dress up as Darth Vader and did his weekly shop in Sainsbury's supermarket in full regalia and -- whilst observing social distancing measures (the COVID-19 pandemic was still raging)-- managed to entertain all the shoppers thusly. I kind of admire his unselfconscious "gung-ho" ness!



The typical neuro-type
Is atypical
Even though
My method is sound and scientific
People remain indecipherable

But I don’t mind
As long as they keep to themselves
Their ways are strange
I like cars and planes and trains
And so keep myself entertained

On May the Fourth
Of course
I am
Darth Vader
In full regalia
Pop to the shops
To put smiles on the faces
Of the kids on the block

The typical neuro-type
Everything but typical
They see metaphor everywhere
Where I like things to be literal

But I don’t mind
As long as they leave me alone
I don’t
Worry much about others
What they think, say and do

On May the Fourth
Of course
I am
Darth Vader
In full regalia
Pop to the shops
To put smiles on the faces
Of the kids on the block

You seem unaware Asperger’s isn’t the same as hearing-impaired
I hear your taunts
I just choose to ignore your ignorance

On May the Fourth
Of course
I am
Darth Vader
In full regalia
Pop to the shops
To put smiles on the faces
Of the kids on the block

On May the Fourth
Of course
I am
Darth Vader
In full regalia
Pop to the shops
To put smiles on the faces
Of the kids on the block