From the recording Family Portraits (Volume 3)

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A Ennio Maccarone meets Talking Heads style love song to my wider family.


Family Portraits (Fifty-four Bandidos d’Amour)

We come from far and wide
To break the bread and drink the wine
Descend onto this locale
To sing and celebrate
Steal your heart a while

Across an age
Time and place connects our DNA
And who would write their name?
In this potpourri of cultures?

Portraits hang in galleries that span all time
And testify to crimes
Bandidos d’amour

Our heads hang in nooses that will take our lives
But we don’t mind
Our pride is
Bandidos d’amour

The world turns
In circles
You are my kin and I
Return to your midst
Every once in a while

We came by yesteryear
We’ll come tomorrow too
We come as individuals
In cohorts and in twos

Across the pages
That chronicle our lives and times
We etch out our names
In signatures that spell belonging

Our portraits hang in galleries that span all time
We look alike
Bandidos d’amour

Our heads hang in nooses that will take our lives
But we don’t mind
Our pride is
Bandidos d’amour